U.S.: Ukraine's Largest Copyright Violators - WASHINGTON DC, The United States accused Ukraine as the worst state in protecting intellectual property rights (IPR). Report made by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) said that Ukraine failed to combat piracy on the internet and the use of illegal software. The software is even used by official government agencies, according to an annual report titled 2013 Special 301 Report. Ukraine has been given a warning and threatened with loss of benefits if they fail to resolve trade.USTR refer to Ukraine as "priority foreign country ', along with their efforts to make countries around the world to protect patents, copyrights and other forms of intellectual property owned by Americans.
A group with ties to the Ukrainian government, reportedly collecting music and falsely claiming the authority to do so, the report said. Unfortunately, there is no corrective action by the government.Sanctions can be given Previously, an action plan on IPR protection was never approved by the Ukraine in 2010, but was not able to cope with the rampant IPR violations.
"Ukraine is considered as a safe haven for online piracy firms to serve the market," the report said.
Designation of Ukraine as "priority foreign country" allows Washington to pursue sanctions under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974-either directly or through the World Trade Organization (WTO).U.S. media companies welcomed the move.On the other hand, the report also mentions the alleged misappropriation of trade secrets in China.It is considered to be a threat to American companies and national security.China in the top 10 countries 'priority watch list'. Other countries on the list include Algeria, Argentina, Chile, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand and Venezuela.
Source : Kompas.com
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